Monday, January 13, 2014

Will of God

Fear of the Lord is a great helper to know the will of God. David did not kill Saul. No one told him that "not killing Saul" is God's will. Only fear of the Lord taught him not to touch Saul. 

1. By his appointed
God's will should be done by the one who was appointed by God. David was appointed by God but it was not for building a temple. He was not right person for that task. Yet he was appointed by God to be a king over Israel. Building a temple is only for his son Solomon. It was God's will. A task requires to enquire God to see who was appointed for that particular talk. God's will should be done by God's appointed.

2. In his time
God's will should be done in God's time. A man sowed wheat. But the enemy sowed weeds in his absence. When the wheat has grown up, the weeds also showed up. The servants were angry. They wanted to pull them off. The wise thing they did was to ask their master before they do any thing. The master said, "not now". He did not say "no". There is a day that he is going to pull them off. It was his will but should be done in his "time". (Matt. 13:24-30)

3. In his way
God's will should be done in His way. David wanted to bring Ark of the Covenant into the city. He discussed with many of them. It seems good to them. They moved on to bring the Ark. David is the man after God's own heart but he doesn't know the way how to bring. The Ark has to be carried on the shoulders of the Levites. He brought them on a new cart. I see a great love in David's heart but a lack of knowledge. As we know the feet of the oxen was slipped, Uzza stretched his hand to hold the Ark and he died. Celebration turned into a sad story. There is no lack of godliness but the knowledge was lacking. This did cost a life. 2Sam. 6:1-7

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