Friday, September 13, 2013

Ex. 32

When God came down to fulfill the promise Moses asked God what was his name. Then the Lord said that his name is I AM. The name I AM has to do with promise. Jesus said, I am the bread of life. All I ams of the Lord are connected to promises.

If people knew about promises of the Lord, we can see less murders, envys, fights and people experience peace.

If you are not led to I AM, at the end you got to say "how wretched I am"

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Time accountability

God gave a time to three people. Those three are Ahab, Elijah and his disciple.

1. Entertain- Ahab's time
Elijah told Ahab to eat and be merry. He was given time to celebrate. 

2. Educate-  Elijah servant's time
Elijah told his servant to go and check if there is any cloud. 

3. Execute- Elijah's time
Elijah was executing in prayer to see the promise visible. 

His temple