Saturday, December 17, 2016

Det Proverbs 10

1. Many options split your mind's caliber. Only option is to enquire all knowing God.
Many ways kill your time. Only way is to enquire God in whose hands your timings are.

2. Fighting for the truth without taking any hurt is a joke.

3. As long as your ways are submitted to God, you are not messed up.

4. A losing person cries to the Lord and he will be answered. A sword dropping person might not be answered.

5. You wanted to "have" what you like. The foolishness is that you actually begin to "give" to it whatever pleases it.

6. Ephesus has no Balaam teaching like Pergum, fornication like Thyatira, and uncleanness like Sardis. Sinless also get a rebuke.

7. If you are falling, either you gave up your stronghold to demon or you got a weak hold on to God. 

8. Demon possessed is less dangerous than Demonized. Former spoils himself and latter spoils his relations too. Former is attacked, latter is an attacker. Former is a victim of the witchcraft, latter is an accommodation of the witchcraft.

9. Have an eye on faithful Joseph though it offends him, that you might not judge him wrong later. 

10. Avoiding people is not peace but it's the absence of disturbance. Peace is to establish by confronting disturbance. This makes you a son of God.

11. A great fasting prayer of a great prayer warrior will never have enough power to justify his own ways before God. Prayer is meant to plead God and not to lead God.

12. Gratitude loses it's virtue when it supports a virtueless attitude.

13. I can do all things, not because I am a Christian, but because I do all through Christ.

14. The idea of "world peace" finds its answer only in the idea of walking with him. Trust in his timings.

15. Mary tried to continue her call by directing Jesus' call. And she failed. 

16. Saul's anointing could not change him, Lucifer's anointing could not restore him.

17. When anointed Samuel missed the sight of God at Eliab, he almost messed up his call.

18. Same uncleanness that God allowed you to have, will not allow you to have His presence. 

19. Prayers help you to fulfill your responsibilities and they themselves will not fulfill your responsibilities.

20. Ask God for some money. He gives you. Yet it doesn't mean He removed your lackness. 

His temple